Matthew Pineda Computer Science Student from Los Angeles, CA

My Skills

In Class

In the classroom environment, I mainly learn and stick to these languages, and am the most confident and well versed in them.

Out of Class

On my personal projects and in my internship work experience, I have utilized these frameworks and languages to create interactive and dynamic web experiences.

Version Control

I am very well versed in git version control and can git my way out of any situation in a codebase!

Featured Projects



  • React JS
  • Git/Github
  • Clojure
  • Heroku

Mediscore is a First Place winning React js web application developed in a team of four at Biola Hacks 2017. We used animation libraries, Google Maps API, and John Snow Labs Data Sets in order to recommend hospitals to patients based on user preferences in a ranked order.

Check it out
relief-search screenshot

Relief Search

  • React-Native
  • Expo
  • Git/GitHub
  • Microsoft Facial Recognition API

Relief Search is a react-native cross platform app for matching pictures of missing people to selfies of people marking themselves as safe, using Microsoft facial recognition. This project was developed in a team of three at Cal Tech Hacks and was a Microsoft Imagine Cup Qualifier.

Check it out


  • React-Native
  • Expo
  • Git/Github
  • Node + NPM

HouseMate is a React Native Cross-Platform app that solves the problem of dividing up and rotating household chores among students in college splitting up work. Created in a team of four at MHacks X.

Check it out


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